Mounting uploads folder elsewhere

Tips submitted by PHPMaker users
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Mounting uploads folder elsewhere

Post by sticcino »

if you're looking to run your app in a server farm for load balancing or redundancy, you have to ensure your uploads folder is common to all your servers

for example, we have 2 load balancers, and 5 vm servers in a web farm format, all the server instances have the apps upload folder mapped to our nas. or you can do this with just one server as well.

you can easily accomplish this, by the following command.

ensure you are in your apps root folder
run the command:

mount -t nfs IP_ADDRESS:myNASvolume/uploads ./uploads

to verify if the mount took, do a df -h
you should see your uploads folder pointed to the nas   11T  323G   11T   4% /srv/www/htdocs/MYAPP/uploads

if it didn't work, you will see your uploads folder as normally displayed in a linux format

drwxr-xr-x 1 wwwrun www     70 Sep 11 19:19 uploads

you'll need to perform this as root or sudo.
in order to make this mount automatically after reboots, check with your linux version on how to and where to add the mount command (usually fstabs)

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