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How can i add a custom select?

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2024 6:46 am
by AndreeWOff

Hi everyone, I'm currently trying to modify an order entry system made in PHPMaker, the problem is that I don't have the .pem files for the project so I'm trying to add an input directly in the code to take the value and save it in the database but it doesn't work for me.

I tried this:

function LoadFormValues()
		// Load from form
		global $objForm;
		$this->GetUploadFiles(); // Get upload files
		if (!$this->idempresa->FldIsDetailKey) {
		if (!$this->idestablecimiento->FldIsDetailKey) {

		// The rest of the fields that pkpmaker generates.................

		if (!$this->idcategoria_orden->FldIsDetailKey) {

function AddRow($rsold = NULL)
		global $Language, $Security;
		$conn = &$this->Connection();

		// Begin transaction
		if ($this->getCurrentDetailTable() <> "")

		// Load db values from rsold
		if ($rsold) {
		$rsnew = array();

		// idempresa
		$this->idempresa->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->idempresa->CurrentValue, 0, strval($this->idempresa->CurrentValue) == "");

		// The rest of the fields that pkpmaker generates.................

		// Add idcategoria_orden
 		//$this->idcategoria_orden->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->idcategoria_orden->CurrentValue, NULL, FALSE);


This is my HTML Input

<input type="text" name="x_idcategoria_orden" id="x_idcategoria_orden" value="<?php echo $orden_tra->idcategoria_orden->EditValue; ?>">

But but does not save

Re: How can i add a custom select in PHPMaker code

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2024 9:12 am
by mobhar

You should not change/edit the built-in functions/code that generated by PHPMaker.

However, if you want to obviously add your own code based on your business-logic directly into the generated script files, then you should use server event instead.

For example, if you want to add default value for a field, you may simply use Row_Rendered server event:

if (CurrentPageID() == "add") { // implement only for Add/Copy Page
    $this->dcategoria_orden->EditValue = "something"; // assume the field type is not numeric; adjust it to yours