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Set required search fields (v2021)

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2024 9:36 pm
by Macunaima

I have the following situations:
1 - I have 3 search fields and I need to make 2 of them mandatory.
2 - After applying the filter, which is a group of records with some identical fields. I need to get any of the records to rename the columns according to the content of these fields.
Ex.: Fields Day1, Sit1, Day2, Sit2,...
So I need to Rename the Sit1 column with the contents of Day1, the Sit2 column with the contents of Day2, ...

I appreciate any guidance.

Re: Set required search fields (v2021)

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2024 2:01 pm
by mobhar
  1. You may use Form_CustomValidate server event that belongs to the List Page in order to validate whether the required fields have been selected/entered its value.

  2. You may use Page_Load server event that belongs the List Page in order to change the column caption of the table.

Re: Set required search fields (v2021)

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2024 9:26 pm
by Macunaima

Thank you, I had already found the answer in another forum