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Database Helper

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2024 12:39 am
by yaaryvp


I have used:
$db =& DbHelper();

to render data in a custom page

namespace PHPMaker2023\hamoked_office_helper;
$db =& DbHelper();
$sql = "SELECT * from FaxListManage WHERE faxID = $faxID;";
$result = $db->ExecuteRow($sql);

but after clean generation I get the following error:

Call to undefined function PHPMaker2023\hamoked_office_helper\DbHelper()

Wondering what has happened and why

Re: $db =& DbHelper(); stopped working and returns error

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2024 1:04 am
by mobhar

You may read about Deprecated and Removed in the latest version of PHPMaker.

Quoted from it:
The DbHelper class has been removed. You should use the Conn() function directly to get a connection object instead.

Re: Using DbHelper()

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2024 8:06 am
by arbei

You may read Global Functions.

Re: Using DbHelper()

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 6:01 pm
by yaaryvp

I am trying to use $conn = Conn('$dbname')

$conn = Conn('');

and is getting the following error:
/var/www/ Undefined index: in configuration.

is there something I am missing?

Thank you for your help

Re: Using DbHelper()

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 6:31 pm
by arbei

The argument is the database name in your project, read Database, Table, Field Variable Names.

If you just want to do ExecuteRow(), you can call the global function directly.

arbei wrote:

You may read Global Functions.