Detail Preview scrolling problem (Off Canvas)

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Posts: 319

Detail Preview scrolling problem (Off Canvas)

Post by mansour »

I added detail preview for some tables and used "Off Canvas" as the previdew type.
I have a problem.
The scrolling bar for the Off Canvas does NOT show. So, I can't see all related detail records.
I checked the online demo version (Categories). There is NO any issue and the scrolling bar shows for both page's body and Off Canvas.
What's the problem?


Posts: 9719

Post by arbei »

You may press F12 in your browser, go to the Conosle panel to check for JavaScript errors.

Posts: 319

Post by mansour »

Thanks for reply. I checked the console and there is NO any error.
It seems the Off Canvas scroll bar issue is related to RTL language (css ).
Any idea?


Posts: 9719

Post by arbei »

  1. You may inpsect HTML element in your browser and check the CSS styles. Try to find out why the scrollbar did not show. You may check div with class "offcanvas-body", overflow-y should be auto.
  2. Make sure you have specifield a valid "OffCanvasHeight" setting (default is "50vh") under advanced settings of Preview extension -> Project. Without a valid height, the scrollbar may not work properly.

Posts: 319

Post by mansour »

First, thanks for your time.
1- There is NO "overflow-y" setting for "offcanvas-body".
2- Yes, I checked the setting and seems all things are right.
May I ask you check this feature with a RTL language such as Persian?


Posts: 9719

Post by arbei »

  1. You should check the CSS styles in your browser's Styles panel, not Elements panel. (The CSS style is not inline.)
  2. The overflow-y style is from Bootstrap CSS, and you should see it under the Styles panel (and see that it is from the file adminlte.rtl.css or adminlte.rtl.min.css),
  3. You should check all CSS styles for the HTML element and find out why it is overridden. If you have added your own styles or stylesheets, you better remove first and test again.

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