Web Push not sending notifications

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Posts: 7

Web Push not sending notifications

Post by hyperxp »

Hi All, I've tried this many times since its introduction and never got it to work. I now really want to use it for as project.

I have met all the requirements, I'm on all the latest versions. I'm running PHP on IIS with MSSQL if thats useful info. End users have chrome.

I have been through every function and ready every post I could find here but I've hit a brick wall.

I have users subscribed in the table, I can send with the Subscribed page dialog, it states it has sent, but the service worker never fires. I have added some log output to it.
If I fire a test payload with the Dev tools Application tab I receive it just fine.
I have tried all code samples here and even my own and I get the same result. The notification sends, but the service worker never received it.

Does anybody have any hints or tips that might get me going?

Posts: 9862

Post by arbei »

  1. Only sites with SSL (i.e. https) will support Web Push Notifications.
  2. The PHP openssl and gmp extensions are required for Web Push Notifications.
  3. Check HTTP Response and there is no error in the Network panel.
  4. Enable Debug and check for server side errors.

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