Error: failed to insert entry: invalid object specified (v2023)

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Posts: 22

Error: failed to insert entry: invalid object specified (v2023)

Post by fawazalmotiri1 »

When I click (Save) in any phpmaker project, I get this message after saving the changes: failed to insert entry: invalid object specified - demo2020

  • Copy.pmp, I couldn't prevent this message from appearing and I don't know why it appeared.
    i am using phpmaker 2023 v13 ..
    but the error message says 2020.

any help?

Posts: 11905

Post by mobhar »

I suggest you to always use the latest version, as of today is v2024.

Posts: 11905

Post by mobhar »

It seems you are trying to run demo2020 project file by using PHPMaker v2023. If so, then make sure you have already created the related database for that demo2020 project, and also related tables/views including populating the records in it.

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