Retrieve data from previous page

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Posts: 11

Retrieve data from previous page

Post by kourosh »

I have a temporary table and I want to use it as a default value in the permanent table by selecting each row in the list, so after selecting the row in list ,such that "add page" of permanent table is opened and its fields are filled with previous page item.
i use listOptionsRendered function and session variable but using the session is problematic because it registers the last row in list , also "add page" does not accept route or parameter in url .
What is the best practice to transfer between two pages, which the " add page " is target ?

Posts: 9719

Post by arbei »

Your description is a little ambiguous, you may want to elabarate, for example, the steps you click in the List page. How do you go from one Add page to the next?

Posts: 435

Post by vintoICT »

Your question is not clear but I think this could help.
From page A find a way to add ur variable to the url .
On page A, linktopageB?var=<?$var?>
Then on page B use $_GET['var']

Posts: 11

Post by kourosh »

hi again

as you know url parameter is accessible in add/copy server event and isn't accessible in common table event specially (Row_Inserting event) for manipulate $rsnew.
i want to make invisible field in add page and transfer its value (got it from url parameter) to Row_Insering event.
EditValue And CurrentValue doesn't work when field is invisible.
how can transfer value from add page to Row_Inserting event ?

Posts: 11905

Post by mobhar »

You may use a session variable to store the param you get from the URL in Add/Copy page, and then use that session variable in Row_Inserting server event.

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