How to backup/transfer projects to new computer? (v2020)

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Posts: 450

How to backup/transfer projects to new computer? (v2020)

Post by amiens80 »


my main computer (w10) where i work with phpmaker have almost fall down. I was lucky, i avoid the fall !
But now i start to create a duplicate-backup computer to avoid to lost all (phpmaker and projects). My new computer is under W11.

i started to reinstall and copy the project and folder to another computer but there is a strange thing happens :
Eachtime i open phpmaker on the new computer, it notice me there is a new template found in /template/ whereas i duplicated & replaced each folders :

  • i also did copy/past the folder /mydocument/phpmaker from the old computer to the new one (so i keep the project and history)
  • i also did copy-replace the full /program files x68/phpmaker from old computer to the new one (after reactive the license i registered & purchased years ago) (so i keep the preference and last plugin/extension and templates)
    (i did that replace because i have customs fthigs in languages, xml/ini files from extensions...etc)
  • Off course i also reinstall & recopy my xamp app and generated projects in htdocs

So, why did it still discover a new available template each time i open the application on the new computer ? The old computer did not detect any new template where the same file is in the folder.
Is phpmaker check the datefile of /template/ file ?

Another question : is there a template number version written somewhere in the generated files ? Is other way, how can i know if my already old generated project used the or not ? On my old computer i may have customize a lot of things in the template, so i don't want to erase my customization with the

What will happen it i delete the C:\Program Files (x86)\PHPMaker 2020\template\*.zip from old computer and new computer?
As the old computer did not detected it, i do not understand why the new computer detect this zip file there !

Best regards

Posts: 9476

Post by arbei »

You may read Project File and Sharing Project with Other Users (Github).

If you use Github, you simply clone your projects back from Github. (For v2021+ only.)

Otherwise, you just copy the whole project folder (C:\Users\<user>\Documents\PHPMaker) to your new PC.

Posts: 450

Post by amiens80 »


yes i know Github but, what about the template version and extensions version ?

Backuping the .xml file is not enough, there are also other files to backup (like template, language, extension...) from the dev environment.
I repeat myself, i not speaking of "sharing project", i speaking about backup. So, the dev environnement (phpmaker + template+ extensions + customization) and also (the easy part), the build project (sql, db, dataset,lamp/xamp...).

When we save a project using phpmaker feature, i know it create old version of the xml. But it never create backup of extension, template either,language...
If my computer crash, having the project xml file will not be enough....

Best regards

Posts: 11791

Post by mobhar »

Perhaps you are still using the older version of PHPMaker v2020. If you are a registered user of PHPMaker, then you should get the latest build version of v2020 from the registered user site, including the Language and the Extensions files.

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