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email sending reply to and mail from

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2023 3:24 am
by vintoICT

I believe phpmaker uses phpmailer for emails. I need to change the email from to another value I don't want to use the default email in //Server settings.

//sample from phpmailer
    $mail->setFrom('', 'Mailer');
       $mail->addReplyTo('', 'Information');
$mail->Subject = 'Here is the subject';

// PHPmaker code (emailsending)
                 $sEmail_List = "".$msgto.""; 
                  $email->Recipient = $sEmail_List; // Change recipient to a field value in the new record

I need the right code for
$email->From and $email->Replyto

Re: email sending reply to and mail from

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2023 9:47 am
by mobhar

You may use Sender instead of From.

Re: email sending reply to and mail from

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2023 12:54 pm
by vintoICT

$email->Sender=''; not working

Re: email sending reply to and mail from

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2023 1:47 pm
by arbei

You need to post your complete code. Where is your $email from? From Email_Sending event?

Re: email sending reply to and mail from

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2023 8:31 pm
by vintoICT
// Email Sending event
    public function emailSending($email, $args)
        $rsnew = $args["rsnew"];
          $sAFileName = $this->attachment->attacment."/" . $Args["rsnew"]["attachment"] ;  
                    $fullname="$surname $firstname ";
                        $subject= strtoupper($subjecttemp);
                      $state= $rsnew["state"];
                  $email->Sender = "".$senderemail."";  
                 $sEmail_List = "".$msgto.""; 
                  $email->Recipient = $sEmail_List; // Change recipient to a field value in the new record
                                  $email->Content = '
                                  <p> <center>'.$subject.'</center></p>
       <p>From: '.$senderemail.'</p>
       <p>To: '.$msgto.'</p>
          <p>Dear Sir/Madam,</p>
        This email was sent by <b>('.$fullname.')</b>from the <b>Company name</b>HR application please find the details below:<br>
        Best Regards,<br>
               $email->Format = "html";

               // start content from beginning here
                        return true;

Re: email sending reply to and mail from

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2023 11:04 pm
by arbei

vintoICT wrote:

                  $email->Sender = "".$senderemail."";  

You better check if your $senderemail has valid email using Log("sender = " . $senderemail) (then check the result in the log file) or die("sender = " . $senderemail).

Re: email sending reply to and mail from

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 1:54 am
by vintoICT

sender =

the email is correct .

This is my email settings

"SMTP" => [
"PHPMAILER_MAILER" => "smtp", // PHPMailer mailer
"SERVER" => "", // SMTP server
"SERVER_PORT" => 465, // SMTP server port
"SECURE_OPTION" => "ssl",
"SERVER_USERNAME" => "", // SMTP server user name
"SERVER_PASSWORD" => "********", // SMTP server password
The email is been sent as I want it to be dynamic
$email->Sender = "".$senderemail."";

Re: email sending reply to and mail from

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 9:04 am
by arbei

You may enable Debug and send email again. Then check the PHPMailer logs in the log file for errors.