AJAX Refresh with Preview Extension and Modals

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Posts: 144

AJAX Refresh with Preview Extension and Modals

Post by bkonia »

Preview Tables

The Preview extension in v2024 supports AJAX refresh of just the preview page, without reloading the main page. This is a great improvement! However, we sometimes need to refresh the data table section on the main page due to changes in the detail table that affect fields in the main table; calculated fields for instance. Therefore, I propose the following solution:

Add a new checkbox column called "RefreshParentTable" to the Tables grid in the Preview extension. Enabling this setting for a table would trigger an AJAX refresh on the parent table when the Preview table is updated. In the case of a nested table, it would refresh just the parent of the nested table. If the parent of the nested table also has the setting enabled, the refresh would then roll up to its parent, etc...


Modals seem to follow the same behavior, performing updates without refreshing the main page. Again, this is a great improvement. However, with modals, a main table refresh is even more important, because changed fields may also appear in the main page list view. Thus, after updating a modal, it should ALWAYS perform an AJAX refresh on the corresponding row in the main table list view.

Posts: 11905

Post by mobhar »

Good suggestions!


Posts: 9785

Post by arbei »

For the case of modal Add/Edit, the main table will refresh. However, for modal Add, the new record may not appear in the current page due to current sorting and searching.

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