User name and password field don't work

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Posts: 3

User name and password field don't work

Post by fabernal »

I try to use an existing table for users, but dont show the fields for user and password, I used the postgres user and the issue persists. What can i do?

Posts: 1186

Post by MichaelG »

Do you mean you do not want to show the username / password fields in list/view/edit/etc... pages? If yes, just uncheck the fields for List/View/Edit/Add/Copy. If no, please explain clearly what you are trying to do.

Posts: 3

Post by fabernal »

The problem is: I cant select fields for user and password in the security tab, I select the table but the combo for user field an password dont show the table fields

Posts: 1186

Post by MichaelG »

If you use the "Load tables dynamically" option, make sure that you have loaded the table first (by clicking on the table on the database pane).

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