No header page as default page

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Posts: 177

No header page as default page

Post by crash »

I have a page generated with no header..I have another page as the default page. The no header page can be see by anonymous users.

Problem is that the no header seems to adopt the default mode… so even with direct url link it still goes to the no header page.. how can I fix this?

Thank you

Posts: 1171

Post by MichaelG »

If your default page cannot be accessed by anonymous users, when an anonymous access access your web site, it will go to the first page with anonymous access, which will be the page with header/footer.

Posts: 177

Post by crash »

Even when I generate the project and look at it as the admin it still goes to the ( The page with no header)... I have set my Users Table as the default page.

I have also tried setting another table as the default table and it still goes directly to the page with no header.

How do I fix this? Or what can I look for ?

Posts: 1171

Post by MichaelG »

Please make sure that you have cleared browser cache and cookies before testing.

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