How to autogenerate 10 unique random number in text filed

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Posts: 7

How to autogenerate 10 unique random number in text filed

Post by maxikay »

Hello all,

I need help to auto generate random unqiue numbers on a text field once add button is click.
Random unqiue numbers should be 10 or 12 digit.
It will be use as for QRcode display in List.

Thanks in advance.

Posts: 9785

Post by arbei »

Posts: 7

Post by maxikay »


i got this script below working. but stuck on how to insert the random number into the text field when add is click for new record.

<p id="demo"></p>

let x = Math.floor((Math.random() * 1000000000000) + 1);
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = x;

Need help to insert this into the text field any time new Add record is click.

Thanks in advance

Posts: 9785

Post by arbei »

  1. If you use client side JavaScript, you may use Startup Script.
  2. If you use server side PHP, you may use Row_Rendered server event.
  3. To generate random number by PHP, you may use random_int().

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