How to Make List Options Top aligned (v2022)

Tips submitted by PHPMaker users
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How to Make List Options Top aligned (v2022)

Post by mobhar »

Since v2022, PHPMaker will put the List Options link/buttons at the Middle of the each row in List Page.

If the height of each row is huge, then we often have difficulties to select the List Option button/link of the related row, since we sometimes will scroll-down or scroll-up to find out the related List Options of current row.

Since the data in each column will be located at the Top of each row by default, then this tip will show you how to make the List Options becomes Top aligned, too... so that end-users will be easier to select List Options as well as they read the data at the Top position of each row.

Simply put this following CSS code under HTML -> Styles -> User:

.ew-list-option-body {
    vertical-align: top!important;

and then re-generate ALL the script files, and enjoy the result.

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