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HREF Field

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2021 8:16 am
by lfernandes

I have a form where I perform a file upload to the folder, in this form I created a field called "Filename" of type nvarchar (255)

The formatted text preview tag does not display the field as a hyperlink to the file. Regardless of configuration, files are always presented on the list page as embedded files.

how should I proceed to display the file name with a hyperlink for download on the list page?

Re: HREF Field

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2021 9:53 am
by MichaelG

Please make sure that you have set up the field as File Upload field (Edit Tag = "FILE"). Read:

Re: HREF Field

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2021 7:52 pm
by lfernandes

Well, the problem is right there, I followed all the configuration steps and even choosing to display the field file using the formatted text, the list page presents the embedded files instead of the filename with a link, follow the configuration steps:

  1. I selected the database table and clicked on the "File Name" field of type (unicode) (adVarWChar) Size(255).

  2. In the Edit Tag panel, I clicked the File Upload icon to select Edit Tag as "FILE"

  3. In the file name field option I indicated the field

  4. In the preview tag I chose to display the field file using formatted text.

Note: According to the documentation it would be enough to display the field as a hyperlink to the file.

As it had no effect, I still tried to change the Hyperlink settings.

Result: List Page presents the embedded files instead of displaying the field as a hyperlink to the file.

I'm using ASPNETMAKER version 2021.0.9

what am I doing wrong?

Re: HREF Field

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2021 8:22 am
by MichaelG

If the uploaded files are PDF files, you need to uncheck Tools -> Advanced Settings -> Embed PDF documents as well.

Re: HREF Field

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2021 1:09 am
by lfernandes

Ops!!! I really hadn't checked the advanced settings. It is now working as expected. Thanks!!!