This code will show you how to display a new date based on the initial date plus n days in PHPMaker 2021. We will use Javascript to calculate the result of new date in client side.
As a result, after we chosen the initial date, enter the number of days, and then system will display the new date based on calculating initial date + n days. You may also later change the initial date after entering the number of days in order to display the new date.
Please do all the following steps carefully and sequentially.
Create a new database and a new table named datetime as follows:
CREATE TABLE `datetime` ( `Code` char(3) NOT NULL, `First_Date` datetime NOT NULL, `Number_of_Days` int(11) NOT NULL, `Last_Date` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`Code`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
Create a new project and connect to that database and table above, and make sure DateTimePicker extension has been already enabled from Tools -> Extensions.
Go to Fields setup, click on First_Date field -> Edit Tag pane, then make sure, from Validation -> Validate the Date has been chosen. Make sure also Use date/time picker and Required have been already enabled. Then, go to View Tag pane, then make sure from Format section, the Date/Time has been chosen, and then YmdHis also has already been chosen from Date/Time named format.
Do the same step #3 above for Last_Date field.
Go to the following location: Code (Server Events, Client Scripts and Custom Templates) -> Client Scripts -> Global -> Pages with header/footer -> Global Code and then copy/paste the following Javascript code:
function addDays(date, days) { var tt = date; var time = ""; if (tt.toString().length > 8) { time = tt.substring(11); } else { time = ""; } var begin_date = new Date(date); var newdate = new Date(begin_date); newdate.setDate(newdate.getDate() + days); var dd = newdate.getDate(); if (dd.toString().length == 1) dd = "0" + dd; var mm = newdate.getMonth() + 1; if (mm.toString().length == 1) mm = "0" + mm; var y = newdate.getFullYear(); var sFormattedDate = ""; sFormattedDate = y + ew.DATE_SEPARATOR + mm + ew.DATE_SEPARATOR + dd; return sFormattedDate + ' ' + time; }
Copy the following code in Client Scripts -> Table-Specific -> Add/Copy Page -> Startup Script:
$("#x_First_Date").change(function() { var sDate = $("#x_First_Date").val(); var iVal = parseInt($("#x_Number_of_Days").val()); if ($("#x_Number_of_Days").val() != "") $("#x_Last_Date").val(addDays(sDate, iVal)); }); $("#x_Number_of_Days").keyup(function(event) { var sDate = $("#x_First_Date").val(); var iVal = parseInt($("#x_Number_of_Days").val()); if (iVal > 0) { $("#x_Last_Date").val(addDays(sDate, iVal)); } else { $("#x_Last_Date").val(""); } });
Re-generate ALL the script files.
Tested in v2021.0.13 and it works properly.
Enjoy the result, everyone!