Columns header + mouseover event

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Posts: 117

Columns header + mouseover event

Post by MatteoAllix »


When the user scrolls down the List Page to see the records, is it possible to block and always show the header of the columns?

Is it possible to remove the roll-over effect that colors the lines on mouseover event?
In sense to set "inherit" in the "Alternate Row Color" property.

Thank you,

Posts: 258

Post by motfs »

When the user scrolls down the List Page to see the records, is it possible to block and always show the header of the columns?

You need to write your own script to handle this. Google "HTML table with fix header" for a solution.

Is it possible to remove the roll-over effect that colors the lines on mouseover event?

You can set the highlight color by modifying this class "ewTableHighlightRow". Search the class in the file "ew.scss" in theme folder to modify. If you have difficulty to understand, read HTML Settings in help file for more detail.

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