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Re: Hide table field to specific user

Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 10:40 pm
by MatteoAllix


is it possible to hide a field from a table to a typology of users only when you enter in the edit page?

My requirement is to remove the ability to add or modify the value of a field to a particular type of user (the administrator can do what he wants).
This particular field must be read only for normal user (i.e. in List Page and in View Page).


Re: Hide table field to specific user

Posted: Fri May 04, 2018 10:43 am
by motfs

Use FieldVisibility extension to hide the field. Read the notes to see how to use it after you click the extension

Re: Hide table field to specific user

Posted: Fri May 04, 2018 5:24 pm
by MatteoAllix

Okay, it works.

but if I want that a field become "HIDDEN" only for a particular type of user?
Because Field Vsibility removes that field from the dataset, I need it to be written, but not visible to the user..


Re: Hide table field to specific user

Posted: Sat May 05, 2018 9:26 am
by motfs

but if I want that a field become "HIDDEN" only for a particular type of user?

If the particular type of user is an User ID or an User Level, note that FieldVisibility extension supports User ID/Level also.

Alternativey, you can use Startup Script to hide/show the field with your condition (use jQuery .hide, read, e.g.:

if (<your condition>) {
$("#x_<Field>").hide(); // Replace <Field> with actual Field Name, if not sure, view HTML source to check the element ID.

Read Server Events and Client Scripts -> Client Scripts -> Startup Scripts in help file for more detail.

Re: Hide table field to specific user

Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 3:34 pm
by MatteoAllix

Alternativey, you can use Startup Script to hide/show the field with your condition
(use jQuery .hide, read, e.g.:

if (<your condition>) {
$("#x_<Field>").hide(); // Replace <Field> with actual Field Name, if not sure,
view HTML source to check the element ID.

is it possible to get the user level here?
In C# I have CurrentUserLevel().