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Parent table caption not changed (more than 1 level)

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 11:40 am
by mobhar

One of the fixes in v10.0.2 is: "Table caption in Breadcrumb not changed after switching language (Multi-Language)".

This is working fine if the level count of the table in the breadcrumb is only one, for example: Home >> Categories

Unfortunately, it does not work properly if the level count in the breadcrumb is more than one, for example: Home >> Categories >> Products

You will see that the "Categories" (as the parent/master of "Products") is not translated properly when we switch the current language into another. Only "Home" and "Products" are translated properly.

Re: Parent table caption not changed (more than 1 level)

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 11:52 am
by Webmaster

Thanks for reporting. We will handle in next build.