Grid Edit page not showing all tables fields

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Posts: 43

Grid Edit page not showing all tables fields

Post by venkatesh »

I have prepared a custom view "Myteam" using 3 tables. Myteam list page shows all 3 tables fields as I expected. I made field setup as one table fileds are editable and other two table fields are readonly. But Myteamlist.php?a=gridedit showing only one table fields which are editable. I want to show all 3 tables fields in grid edit page. PHPMaker10.

Posts: 11905

Post by mobhar »

Then you have to switch those 2 tables from readonly to editable so that all the tables fields will be displayed in Grid Edit page.

Posts: 1599

Post by danielc »

Try not to use custom view but use database view to try. However, you can not update more than one table through view.

You have to save the variables in Row_Updating server event. Then, update other table by executing ew_Execute("UPDATE table2 SET XXX").

Posts: 43

Post by venkatesh »

yes database view supports my requirement. But I did it in v8 and after migrated to v10 the problem occurs. Any way I go head with database view.

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