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Enable pdf printing

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 10:07 pm
by joaoisobr

I installed the official version of PHPMaker, I enabled all extensions, however when I try to enable the pdf extension, the message note ... click tools enable extension to main menu ... where can I see an example of how to configure the component pdf

I enabled PDF for all pages, however the component pdf does not appear on every page ... ::> :: do not know if correntamente installed or missing

Re: Enable pdf printing

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 8:12 am
by mobhar

If you have enabled "DOMPDF" extension from "Tools" -> "Extensions" menu of PHPMaker and want to use "Export to PDF" feature in your List page, then make sure you have also enabled the related setting from "Advanced" -> "Tables" -> "ExportList" of the "DOMPDF" extension. By default, PHPMaker does not enable it for the List page.