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I wrote some client code @Table-specific

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 1:38 am
by netenken1

I wrote some client code @Table-specific Start Script block

It's work fine, but it won't work @ "Allow add" function page...

where do I enabled the "Allow add" page with the same client script ??

Re: I wrote some client code @Table-specific

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 10:32 am
by danielc

You need to modify xxxaddopt.php to add your script.

Re: I wrote some client code @Table-specific

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 1:10 am
by mobhar

netenken1 wrote:
where do I enabled the "Allow add" page with the same client
script ??

Not sure what you meant. But if you want to restrict the Add functionality, then you can insert the following code into your "Page_Init()" function:

global $Security, $Language;
$Security = new cAdvancedSecurity();
if (!$Security->CanAdd()) {
$this->setFailureMessage($Language->Phrase("NoPermission")); // Set no permission
$this->Page_Terminate("yourtablelist.php"); // redirect to the List page; adjust "yourtable" word with yours