combine Header + Horizontal menu

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Posts: 3

combine Header + Horizontal menu

Post by stavfx »

i'm new to PHPMaker (using v10) and i'm looking for a way to customize my horizontal menu (i'm using the extension).
I want to add a (clickable) site logo as the leftmost item of the menu. basically combine the header+menu to 1 line.
also as a bonus if you can help me find a way to push the last button (Logout in my case) to the far right instead of just being the next item from the left, that'd be great :)


Posts: 11905

Post by mobhar »

If you are using "HorizontalMenu" extension, then you can define your logo by entering it via "BrandHref" under the Advanced setting of that extension.

If you want to add a new menu item, then simply use "Menu_Rendering" server event. For further information, read "Server Events and Client Scripts" in the help file.

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