Limiting multiple image upload to XX images

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Posts: 2

Limiting multiple image upload to XX images

Post by PinkPHP »

I love the ability to upload multiple images under one field. I realize that this is subject to the field size vs. the file names. I had it set to VARCHAR 255, then changed that number to allow the maximum amount. However, the length of the filename is not what concerns me, but I want to limit the amount of images uploaded to this field to maybe 25 images. Is there a way to do this through PHPMaker or will I have to hard code it in later?

Thanks, and glad to see you're still developing these great tools (former ASPMaker user)

Posts: 1599

Post by danielc »

You have to write your code to control the number of uploaded images. The picture name will be separated by ",". So you may able to count the number of images uploaded already.

Posts: 9438

Post by Webmaster »

As suggested by danielc, use the client script Form_CustomValidate to validate against the file name (id = "fn_x_<FieldName>")

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