Quick Debug Shortcut

Tips submitted by PHPMaker users
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Quick Debug Shortcut

Post by ldozois »

PhpMaker has a debug setting under Toosl->Advanced Settings. Set that to true, generate and you can see a lot of debugging output. The problem is, when you are through you have to unset the flag and generate again. Here's a quicker way:

Open ewcfg?.php where ? represents your PhpMaker version. In my case, ewcfg8.php.
Look for the line that says: define("EW_DEBUG_ENABLED", FALSE, TRUE);
It's on line 8 in ewcfg8.php. Set the FALSE flag to TRUE. Save and upload the file.

It should now say: define("EW_DEBUG_ENABLED", TRUE, TRUE);

When you are through debugging, set it back to FALSE, save and upload.

It should now say: define("EW_DEBUG_ENABLED", FALSE, TRUE);

That's all there is to it. Same results and much faster.

Posts: 9438

Post by Webmaster »

Just set the Advanced Setting and re-generate only the ewcfg*.php.

Posts: 10

Post by helmys76 »

Sorry, Iam new to this. After you had enabled the debug mode, where do you look for the error message?

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