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How to Remove Field Caption in list page?

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 9:07 pm
by Suresh

How to Remove Field Caption in list page? Can anyone help me?

Re: How to Remove Field Caption in list page?

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2021 8:36 am
by mobhar

You may simply put this following code in Page_Load server event of List Page:

$this->YourFieldName->setCaption(" "); // adjust YourFieldName to your actual field name

Re: How to Remove Field Caption in list page?

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 10:45 pm
by ethanlazarus

I've been trying to get this to work - in page load of list page, trying to replace field names - example field named c1, want to rename to date - would this be the code? tried and can't get it to go...

Re: How to Remove Field Caption in list page?

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 10:53 pm
by mobhar

That code above is for v2021.

If you are using v2024, then you may simply use this code in Row_Rendered server event:

$this->c1->Caption = "My Date";

Re: How to Remove Field Caption in list page?

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2023 12:18 am
by ethanlazarus

Just what I needed - thank you so much!