View: Upload Files doesn't work

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Posts: 896
Location: Switzerland

View: Upload Files doesn't work

Post by mpol_ch »

I am using a view of a table which has a field to upload files. On the origianal table it woks perfectly. But in view it does not.
I copied the table setting several time. I checked all the setting..
What I is also a folder name such "temp__ncrq4durq8emmn6mq4libmnjk7" ...

Where should I check


Posts: 1599

Post by danielc »

mpol_ch wrote:
What I is also a folder name such "temp__ncrq4durq8emmn6mq4libmnjk7"

  • Are your upload folder is above mentioned? Any error message appear if you click edit/add button ? Normally, temp folder (like above mentioned) is created temporarly for file upload.
    So, make sure that the Web server user have read/write access to the upload folder.

Posts: 9438

Post by Webmaster »

Make sure your view has primary key.

Posts: 896
Location: Switzerland

Post by mpol_ch »

hallo danielc

thanks for the response. No, there is no error message. Nothing. I see only those temp files on the server. When do the same action with the base table there is no problems. I see the files and can view the files.
The view is storing in the same folder. I am working on localhost (xampp). Also the write/read is not an issue, I think hence it works for the base table. The view based only on one table has the same primary key but less field are involved.

To Webmaster: Yes the view has the same primary key as the base table. Edit and Add works fine.


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