Copy only modified generated files

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Posts: 17

Copy only modified generated files

Post by Bernie »

Here's my scenario.

  • Added tables to my test database
  • Updated PHPMaker project with new tables and modifications to them
  • Generated project on local web server
  • Tested, everything works just dandy
  • Compared files with production web server and then made a backup copy of them
  • Copied modified .php, .js and such files to my production web server
  • Production web server won't work properly: no menu, missing images, titles, and such
  • Tried to copy files back from the backup and still won't work

Is there a way to copy only the modified files and make it work?

Posts: 11905

Post by mobhar »

The safest way is to upload all the files that generated on the local server to your production server. Also, make sure you always generated all the files under the "Other files" section of the Generate dialog window.

Posts: 17

Post by Bernie »

Thanks mobhar, will do.

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