Preview extension (v10)

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Posts: 64

Preview extension (v10)

Post by netenken1 »

after PHPmaker v10, is there any YUI container replacement

I always use YUI Container preview to show master/detail record before v9 , v10 without these extention ??

Any other replacement as YUI container preview function ??

Posts: 9438

Post by Webmaster »

The previewrow and yuicontainer extensions in v9 is combined into the preview extension in v10. The extension is available to registered users only.

Posts: 64

Post by netenken1 »

I am a registered user from v5 until v10, but @v10, I only see the preview plus-button but I can't click the preview plus-button to extend the detail rows...

what point do I need to pay attention ?

Posts: 9438

Post by Webmaster »

After enabling the extension and re-generating scripts, make sure you have uploaded the "phpjs" subfolder which includes the ewpreview.min.js. Also check JavaScript error in your browser.

Posts: 64

Post by netenken1 »

after 2 weeks after and update to 10.0.1 ...I still found no issue..@@
And there's no javascript error

But if i create a new project and do a pure preview sample project , it's work fine..

I also found in the extension Advanced setting...we also need to "Checked" PreviewOverlay checkbox to make the preview it work fine..

Posts: 9438

Post by Webmaster »

Clean the destination folder and regenerate ALL files again. See if it resolves the problem.

Posts: 64

Post by netenken1 »

I've cleaned before, but still the same...

Now I recreate a project from start...@@
It's work fine.... But I need to manual do the work....

Should I upload the project and DB sample for webmaster to findout the problem ??

That project is I made from v5 or v6 PHPMaker (maybe made from 2 years ago) , so it's a big project (about 118 tables include)

Posts: 9438

Post by Webmaster »

You can try to clean up the "extension" settings in the project by:

  • open the project file with a text editor (e.g. NotePad)
  • look for and remove ALL the nodes:

<Extension ... >

  • save the project
  • open again with PHPMaker and set up ALL the extension settings again

Posts: 64

Post by netenken1 »

I've tried to remove all the extension tag....and reopen it..But everything are the same..>_<

I think I should debug the code by myself...

Would you point me the way to debug ?

seems btn:hover no triggered

Posts: 11905

Post by mobhar »

netenken1 wrote:
Would you point me the way to debug ?

If you want to debug SQL and PHP code, then change the following code in your generated "ewcfg*.php" file:
define("EW_DEBUG_ENABLED", FALSE, TRUE); // TRUE to debug

define("EW_DEBUG_ENABLED", TRUE, TRUE); // TRUE to debug

If you want to monitor your Javascript in Firefox, then use Firebug extension.

Posts: 7

Post by acutri »

I really like YUIContainer extension for version 9.2. You can make it work with version 10 ?

Posts: 9438

Post by Webmaster »

No, YUI is not used anymore.

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