master detail links

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Posts: 1043

master detail links

Post by sticcino »

I have a table
clients -> master
Properties - >detail

it should be 1 client -> many properties

every time i generate the code, phpmaker decides to flip the links and make it:
many clients -> 1 Property

also i am removing the cascade options, but phpmaker is enabling them regardless

on the generate list form, there is then no links to the sub-form/table

Posts: 11813

Post by mobhar »

Make sure you first select the key from the "clients" table and then drag and drop it into the master key of the "Properties" table, and not vice-versa. This will make the relationship one-to-many from "client" table to "Properties" table. In v10, you should see from the "Table" setup, in the "Master Table" should be "clients", and in the "Detail Table" should be "Properties".

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