Add a Field

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Don Karlo
Posts: 2

Add a Field

Post by Don Karlo »

I have version 10 installed, and an important question: Is the demo database protected or not? Because I'm trying a field in the db insert additional, but it can not.

Posts: 11792

Post by mobhar »

There is no protection in the demo project. You should do either Add, Edit/Update, or Delete the records. The only difference is that if you are not a registered user, then you cannot use the extensions that provided only for the registered users.

Don Karlo
Posts: 2

Post by Don Karlo »

That I need to edit the records, changeable and can delete is clear to me and it works well.Aber my question was, how can I add the database to another field? For example, a date field, when the picture was uploaded?

Posts: 11792

Post by mobhar »

Simply alter your table by adding the datetime field, afterwards, synchronize your project to the database change from "Tools" -> "Synchronize" of PHPMaker.
The next step, in order to update that date field when the record is added, for example, then from "Fields" setup -> "Add Page" -> "Default Value", enter: ew_CurrentDateTime()

Finally, re-generate your script files.

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