image upload page missing on edit (v10)

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Posts: 1088

image upload page missing on edit (v10)

Post by sticcino »

have a page that has the field to upload images on "page 7", when I edit the record, "page 7" is missing.

same with viewing of multiple uploaded images, does not display the images in view mode

Posts: 1599

Post by danielc »

Do you mean there is no Page 7 appear in tab? You may view html source to see if the tab page is hidden or does not exist.
Does this page contain 1 field only? If yes, check field setup for this field to see if there is auto-update value applied.

Posts: 9438

Post by Webmaster »

Make sure that:

  • the field is selected for edit
  • the field's [View Tag] is set to "Image"

Posts: 1088

Post by sticcino »

that did it,

thank you

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