medical history/visits system

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Posts: 2

medical history/visits system

Post by eried »

Hello, I am looking a way to build an Multiuser medical history/visits system. How hard would it be in phpmaker? Any suggestion?

Can anyone show me some snapshots their websystem or database model of something running in phpmaker? Thanks!

Posts: 11905

Post by mobhar »

Unfortunately, the external links are not allowed in this forum. I suggest you to search for this via Google.

However, actually you can create any web application using PHPMaker. As long as you have already had the database model and the business logic that you defined/made by yourself, then PHPMaker can generate your web app quickly, and you can implement the business process in it.

Posts: 2

Post by eried »

Thanks for the answer, but I don't get simple things like how do you make the visit scheduler, like calendar?, alarms? (all external/hacks I guess)

Posts: 11905

Post by mobhar »

There is no such specific feature in PHPMaker. However, you can incorporate those external related scripts into the script files that generated by PHPMaker.

From "Generate" tab menu, give a checked mark at the "Generate a blank page". Read "Generate Settings" section in the help file for further information.

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