filter condition (v7)

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Posts: 45

filter condition (v7)

Post by oliveira »

In PHPMaker v7 in Table/View > General > filter, is to use a filter under certain condition if an automatic way?
I'm having to edit a file by file to insert the condition
In case I am limiting certain users to certain records
Grateful to all

Posts: 11905

Post by mobhar »

Version 7 is too old to discuss in here and it had been phrased out. Try to use version 10 as possible since there will be so many advantages you will get.

Posts: 45

Post by oliveira »

Old but still the best version. Problems encountered in versçoes later I did go back to version 7

Posts: 11905

Post by mobhar »

I don't think that version 7 is the best version.

Many enhancements, bugs fixes, and new great features since then. You should compare between one to another, then you will know which version is the best to use.

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