Need suggestions for a lightbox

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Posts: 2

Need suggestions for a lightbox

Post by PinkPHP »

I am using the multiple file upload feature to one field to allow users to create their own gallery. I see how to use the hyperlink field to open the images when clicked for viewing. But what I'd like to do is incorporate a simple lightbox script. Before I went and just picked a random one, I thought I'd ask to see if anyone recommends one or has implemented one themselves. I'm not looking for anything super fancy, just to enlarge the image over the page without leaving the actual page.


Posts: 9438

Post by Webmaster »

Read the following post from the ASPMaker forum and customize for your own use:

Posts: 416
Location: Nürnberg/Germany

Post by digitalphotoworld »

Use Highslide, it's a very good solution:

Download the script and add it to your project.

In View-Tag custom attribute use

'class="highslide" onclick="return hs.expand(this)" '

That's it!

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