Multiple sites advice

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Posts: 38

Multiple sites advice

Post by djmceltic »

I am looking at the best way to have multiple PHPMaker sites.

Is it best to have everything under one project or is it best to have multiple projects with the same ID?

I am thinking a con to having everything in one project is dealing with individual permissions. I have like 12 sites and some are very related to each other while some are not. So it seems that I would have to make a lot of different user groups to get everything working off of one field. Also if I have the project id the same as another project will autologin be recognized for that user? Not sure what is the easiest way to handle this?

I have 70,000 users and I want to hand off the setting up of the user/userlevels/perms table to a group of admins for all of our sites. Maybe 500-1000 users will require some form of admin access.

Posts: 9432

Post by Webmaster »

It depends on your actual requirements and your design, but your description is too broad. In general, use as few projects as possible, use server events (see Server Events and Client Scripts in the help file) to complement Advanced Security if possible. Each project has a different project ID, to allow single login all project should use the same project name, see Project File in the help file for more info.

Posts: 38

Post by djmceltic »

So as long as I have the same project name and carry over the ID everything will work fine together?

Also the project name is what you last saved it as or can that be static/different from your save as?

If not I guess I would just save several files with the same name under different folders - holy version control!

Posts: 9432

Post by Webmaster »

Webmaster wrote:
see Project File in the help file for more info

Note that difference between "Save as..." and "Save a copy...". Project name can be changed in Advanced Settings.

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