Method for retrospectively encrypting database fields

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Posts: 590

Method for retrospectively encrypting database fields

Post by philmills »

My live project required several existing fields to be encrypted using the fieldencryption extension.
If the tables would have no data it would be simple, but what if your tables already contain many records?
When you turn on field encryption only new and edited records get encrypted automatically, which means you have to figure out how to deal with existing records after enabling encryption.

There are a few options:

  1. re-save each record one at a time
  2. turn on 'multiple edit' for every table with fields that are set as encrypted
  3. find another solution

In my case I had a further challenge, in that all my tables have a timestamp field with ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() attribute enabled.
Some of the tables are sorted by last updated date, which meant that encrypting records had to ensure that the previous timestamp values were retained, so as not to ruin the sorting.

I battled at first with a custom page form, where I could select the table and field I wanted to update, but this was both quite troublesome and risked encrypting data that shouldn't be encrypted.
In the end I created a solution that, with a small piece of code added to the Row_Updating event, I could trigger a function after edit, which would loop through all the rows in the table and encrypting unencrypted fields which were set as encrypted, whilst retaining the previous timestamps and skipping fields which are already encrypted. The function will also show you a summary of the changes made as a toast message.
The function will only run under admin rights ( level -1 ) to avoid unecessary server queries.
My project also has a settings table which i use to dynamically switch this feature on only when needed.

In Server Events > Global > All Pages > Global_Code add the following function:

// Retro Encryption - this retrospectively encrypts data in fields where encryption was turned on, but previous unencrypted data exists
// Call this function in add or edit for any table where field encryption is enabled

function retroEncrypt($tableName, $fields) {

    $EncryptToggle = '1'; //change value to 1 / 0 to enable / disable the script

    if(CurrentUserLevel() =='-1' && $EncryptToggle='1') { 

    $encPrefix = "def"; // Prefix which your field encryption generates (inspect a few encrypted values in your table to see what this is in your project)
    $messages = array(); // Initialize an array to store messages
    $rowsUpdated = 0; // Initialize row update counter
    $encryptedFields = array(); // Initialize array to store names of encrypted fields
    $timestampFields = array(); // Initialize array to store names of timestamp fields
    $autoIncField = null; // Initialize auto-increment field

    $schemaQuery = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM " . $tableName; // Query the database schema to retrieve information about fields
    $schemaResult = ExecuteRows($schemaQuery); // Execute the query to get the schema result

    // Detect auto-increment field and add it to messages
    foreach ($schemaResult as $column) {
        if (strtolower($column['Extra']) === 'auto_increment') {
            $autoIncField = $column['Field'];
            $messages[] = "AutoIncrement field: " . $autoIncField;
            break; // Stop after finding the auto-increment field

    // Create a function to find encrypted fields based on the IsEncrypt === true; value
    function findEncryptedFields($fields) {
        $encryptedFields = array(); // Initialize an array to store encrypted fields

        foreach ($fields as $fieldName => $field) {
            if (isset($field->IsEncrypt) && $field->IsEncrypt === true) {
                $encryptedFields[] = $fieldName; // Add encrypted field to the array

        return $encryptedFields;

    // Call the function to find encrypted fields and store the message
    $encryptedFields = findEncryptedFields($fields);

    if (!empty($encryptedFields)) {
        $messages[] = "Encrypted fields: " . implode(", ", $encryptedFields);
    } else {
        $messages[] = "No encrypted fields found.";

    // Detect timestamp fields and add them to messages
    foreach ($schemaResult as $column) {
        if (strpos(strtolower($column['Type']), 'timestamp') !== false) {
            $timestampFields[] = $column['Field']; // Add timestamp field to the array

    if (!empty($timestampFields)) {
        $messages[] = "TIMESTAMP fields: " . implode(', ', $timestampFields);
    } else {
        $messages[] = "No TIMESTAMP fields found.";

    // Construct the SELECT query to fetch records with unencrypted values in any of the encrypted fields
    $selectQuery = "SELECT " . $autoIncField . ", " . implode(", ", $encryptedFields) . " FROM " . $tableName;
    $whereClause = array();
    foreach ($encryptedFields as $field) {
        $whereClause[] = $field . " NOT LIKE '" . $encPrefix . "%' AND " . $field . " IS NOT NULL";
    $selectQuery .= " WHERE " . implode(" OR ", $whereClause);

    // Execute the SELECT query to get records with unencrypted values
    $recordIdsResult = ExecuteRows($selectQuery);

    // Loop through each record to perform the update
    foreach ($recordIdsResult as $record) {
        // Construct the UPDATE query for the current record
        $updateQuery = "UPDATE " . $tableName . " SET ";
        $setClauses = array();
		$setClausesM = array(); //build the array for showing the update query in messages

        // Add SET clauses for each encrypted field
        foreach ($encryptedFields as $field) {
            if (!empty($record[$field]) && strpos($record[$field], $encPrefix) !== 0) {
                $encryptedValue = PhpEncrypt($record[$field]); // Encrypt the unencrypted value
                $setClauses[] = $field . " = '" . $encryptedValue . "'";
				// Truncate encrypted value for messages
				$setClausesM[] = $field . " = '" . substr($encryptedValue, 0, 10) . '...' . "'";  //truncate the encrypted value for messages so that the update query isn't ridiculously long.
            } else {
                $setClauses[] = $field . " = " . $field; // Retain existing encrypted or NULL values
				$setClausesM[] = $field . " = " . $field; // Retain existing encrypted or NULL values

        // Add SET clauses for timestamp fields to retain their previous values
        foreach ($timestampFields as $timestampField) {
            $setClauses[] = $timestampField . " = " . $timestampField;
			$setClausesM[] = $timestampField . " = " . $timestampField;

        // Add the SET clauses to the update query
        $updateQuery .= implode(", ", $setClauses);
		$updateQueryM .= implode(", ", $setClausesM);
        $updateQuery .= " WHERE " . $autoIncField . " = " . $record[$autoIncField];
		$updateQueryM .= " WHERE " . $autoIncField . " = " . $record[$autoIncField];

        // Uncomment the line below to execute the update query

        // Increment rows updated counter
		$messages[] = "Update Query for row '{$record[$autoIncField]}': " . $updateQueryM;  //comment this line out if you don't need to display the update query


    // Add the count of rows updated to messages
    $messages[] = "Rows Updated: " . $rowsUpdated;

    // Return the compiled messages
    return implode("<br>", $messages);

To call the function add this to the Row_Updated event for your table:

    $messages = retroEncrypt($this->TableName, $this->Fields);
    // Set the messages using $this->SetMessage()

Hope someone else finds this useful

Posts: 590

Post by philmills »

Some important corrections and notes:

  1. I incorrectly stated in a comment "// Call this function in add or edit for any table where field encryption is enabled" You must use it in edit. Not in Add
    Therefore the correct code to place in the Row_Updated event should be:
    if($this->PageID == "edit"){
        $messages = retroEncrypt($this->TableName, $this->Fields); //don't edit these
        $this->SetMessage($messages); //display toast message containing summary of the result. Comment this out if you don't need it.
  2. Make sure your field encryptions are working perfectly already and that you have extended any string fields as necessary BEFORE using this code
  3. Please test this thoroughly on a development server before using it on a production site.
  4. Also take a backup of each table you're gonna encrypt before running this code just in case

Posts: 590

Post by philmills »


  • Added $batchsize variable to the function, default is 100 rows.

  • Reports total number of rows requiring encryption, total encrypted in batch, total remaining

  • Displays time taken to execute

    Row_Updated event should contain this:

    //encrypt unencrypted records
        $messages = retroEncrypt($this->TableName, $this->Fields, 50);	 // set number of records to encrypt if you don't want default 100
        // Set the messages using $this->SetMessage()

code to add to Global Code

// Retro Encryption - this retrospectively encrypts data in fields where encryption was turned on, but previous unencrypted data exists
//script will only run in Admin (userlevel -1) user context.

function retroEncrypt($tableName, $fields, $batchSize = 100) { // $batchSize sets the limit of records to process per execution
    $startTime = microtime(true); // Start timer

    $EncryptToggle = 1; //replace EncryptToggle() with value 1 / 0 to enable / disable the script
    if(CurrentUserLevel() == '-1' && $EncryptToggle == '1') {
        $encPrefix = "def"; // Prefix which your field encryption generates
        $messages = array(); // Initialize an array to store messages
        $rowsUpdated = 0; // Initialize row update counter
        $encryptedFields = array(); // Initialize array to store names of encrypted fields
        $timestampFields = array(); // Initialize array to store names of timestamp fields
        $autoIncField = null; // Initialize auto-increment field
        $schemaQuery = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM " . $tableName; // Query the database schema to retrieve information about fields
        $schemaResult = ExecuteRows($schemaQuery); // Execute the query to get the schema result

        // Detect auto-increment field
        foreach ($schemaResult as $column) {
            if (strtolower($column['Extra']) === 'auto_increment') {
                $autoIncField = $column['Field'];
                $messages[] = "<li>AutoIncrement field: " . $autoIncField."</li>";
                break; // Stop after finding the auto-increment field

        // Function to find encrypted fields
        function findEncryptedFields($fields) {
            $encryptedFields = array();
            foreach ($fields as $fieldName => $field) {
                if (isset($field->IsEncrypt) && $field->IsEncrypt === true) {
                    $encryptedFields[] = $fieldName; // Add encrypted field to the array
            return $encryptedFields;

        // Call function to find encrypted fields
        $encryptedFields = findEncryptedFields($fields);
        if (!empty($encryptedFields)) {
            $messages[] = "<li>Encrypted fields: " . implode(", ", $encryptedFields)."</li>";
        } else {
            $messages[] = "<li>No encrypted fields found.</li>";

        // Detect timestamp fields
        foreach ($schemaResult as $column) {
            if (strpos(strtolower($column['Type']), 'timestamp') !== false) {
                $timestampFields[] = $column['Field'];
        if (!empty($timestampFields)) {
            $messages[] = "<li>TIMESTAMP fields: " . implode(', ', $timestampFields)."</li>";
        } else {
            $messages[] = "<li>No TIMESTAMP fields found.</li>";

        // Count total unencrypted rows before processing
        $countQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) as TotalCount FROM " . $tableName . " WHERE ";
        $whereClause = array();
        foreach ($encryptedFields as $field) {
            $whereClause[] = $field . " NOT LIKE '" . $encPrefix . "%' AND " . $field . " IS NOT NULL";
        $countQuery .= implode(" OR ", $whereClause);
        $totalRowsLeft = ExecuteScalar($countQuery); // Execute the count query
        $messages[] = "<li>Total rows to encrypt: " . $totalRowsLeft."</li>";

        // Construct the SELECT query for records that need encryption
        $selectQuery = "SELECT " . $autoIncField . ", " . implode(", ", $encryptedFields) . " FROM " . $tableName;
        $selectQuery .= " WHERE " . implode(" OR ", $whereClause);
        $selectQuery .= " LIMIT " . $batchSize; // Add limit for batch processing

        // Execute the SELECT query to get unencrypted records
        $recordIdsResult = ExecuteRows($selectQuery);

        // Loop through each record to update
        foreach ($recordIdsResult as $record) {
            $updateQuery = "UPDATE " . $tableName . " SET ";
            $setClauses = array();
            foreach ($encryptedFields as $field) {
                if (!empty($record[$field]) && strpos($record[$field], $encPrefix) !== 0) {
                    $encryptedValue = PhpEncrypt($record[$field]);
                    $setClauses[] = $field . " = '" . $encryptedValue . "'";
                } else {
                    $setClauses[] = $field . " = " . $field;

            // Preserve timestamp fields
            foreach ($timestampFields as $timestampField) {
                $setClauses[] = $timestampField . " = " . $timestampField;

            $updateQuery .= implode(", ", $setClauses);
            $updateQuery .= " WHERE " . $autoIncField . " = " . $record[$autoIncField];
            ExecuteUpdate($updateQuery); // Execute the update query

            // Increment rows updated counter

        // Add rows updated to messages
        $messages[] = "<li>Rows updated in this batch: " . $rowsUpdated."</li>";
        $remainingRows = $totalRowsLeft - $rowsUpdated;
        $messages[] = "<li>Remaining rows to encrypt: " . $remainingRows."</li>";

        // End timer and calculate execution time
        $endTime = microtime(true);
        $executionTime = round($endTime - $startTime, 2); // Time in seconds, rounded to 2 decimal places

        // Add execution time to messages
        $messages[] = "<li>Execution time: " . $executionTime . " seconds</li>";

        // Return the compiled messages
        return implode("<br>", $messages);
    } else {
        return null;

Posts: 11922

Post by mobhar »

Thanks for the tips. That is very useful.

Do you know how to implement search on encrypted data?

Posts: 590

Post by philmills »

i haven't looked into that yet, but I'm sure I'll have to real soon.

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