Grid edit not saving

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Posts: 177

Grid edit not saving

Post by crash »

I have 2 records in a table.. when I edit the records individually it saves fine.. but when I do same in grid edit nothing saves and it just stays on same screen.
Any ideas?
Or how would I troubleshoot this, have inspected and no network error

Posts: 1171

Post by MichaelG »

Show the table schema and list page settings for the problem table. You can also open your generated web application in Visual Studio and add a break point to debug.

If you are a registered user, it is probably best to send your project to the support email for quicker resolution.

Posts: 177

Post by crash »

After quite some testing I have worked out that if the field is set to not list then the save on grid edit works.
If I edit a single record in edit it also works... with and without list

The field is linked to a computed field in sql and so should just update, the list option is blocking the save

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