Export to PDF/HTML with many images

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Posts: 98

Export to PDF/HTML with many images

Post by Cat »

Hello everyone

I have a field with 8 images in viewpage, they are displayed horizontally, but when exporting to PDF with the dompdf extension, the images are vertical, taking up too much space and not all the images are exported or they are cut off in the PDF

version 2024.15
I have a 640 x 480 rezize for the images

Is there a way to make them horizontal?

Posts: 9787

Post by arbei »

Did you meant making the image small so that all 8 images can be shown horizontally in one row in the PDF?

Posts: 98

Post by Cat »

Is it possible to export to html and intercept before output and convert the html to pdf?

Posts: 98

Post by Cat »

It should be approximately 320 x 240 in size and should be one image next to the other and in pairs.

Posts: 98

Post by Cat »

I stopped using dompdf because there are restrictions with line breaks and I started using export to html but it seems like a restriction to put the photos horizontally

in listpage they are horizontal but when exporting they appear vertical

Posts: 9787

Post by arbei »

You may customize the ExportHtml class, see viewtopic.php?t=50364, and override the addImage() method.

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