Row_CustomAction failed with multi-update

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Posts: 159
Location: Penang, Malaysia

Row_CustomAction failed with multi-update

Post by yinsw »

PHPMaker v2024.15

Can anyone figure out what's wrong with my script? It works if I only select one record (for example I select the first record), it will fail if I select multiple record to update. On debug, it failed on the first record and rollback. if I only select this particular record, it can update.

function Page_Load()
    //Log("Page Load");
    $this->CustomActions["ForceClose"] = new ListAction("ForceClose", "Force Close", IsLoggedIn(), ACTION_POSTBACK,  ACTION_MULTIPLE, "Force Close?", "", "All selected PCBA force closed.");
function Row_CustomAction($action, $row)
    // Return false to abort
	if ($action == "ForceClose") { // Check action name
        $pcbastatus    = "4";
        $currentuserid = CurrentUserID();
        $updatedat     = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
        $versioning    = $row["VERSIONING"]+1;

        $rsnew = ["PCBA_STATUS" => $pcbastatus, "UPDATED_BY" => $currentuserid, "UPDATED_AT" => $updatedat,"VERSIONING" => $versioning]; // Array of field(s) to be updated
        $result = $this->update($rsnew, ["ID" => $row["ID"]]); // Update the current record only (the second argument is WHERE clause for UPDATE 
	    if (!$result) { // Failure
	  	    $this->setFailureMessage("Failed to force close selected PCBA!");
	  	    return FALSE; // Abort and rollback
	    } elseif ($this->SelectedIndex == $this->SelectedCount) { // Last row
	  	    $this->setSuccessMessage("Selected PCBA has been Force Closed!");
	  	    return TRUE; // Success

    //return true;

Posts: 9787

Post by arbei »

You better debug your code by adding some logs and then check the log file, e.g.

Log("rsnew", $rsnew);
$result = $this->update($rsnew, ["ID" => $row["ID"]]); // Update the current record only (the second argument is WHERE clause for UPDATE 
Log("result", $result);

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