Running both v2023 and v2024 on same machine with different php versions

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Posts: 579

Running both v2023 and v2024 on same machine with different php versions

Post by philmills »

I have both v2023 and v2024 running on the same pc.
I have a v2023 project which I'm not yet ready to upgrade. It requires php8.1
I have a new v2024 project which requires PHP8.2

Is it possible to setup environment variables to cater for both?
If so how?

Posts: 9787

Post by arbei »

There should be no problems with PHPMaker. The environments depends on how you configure other tools, e.g. you should

  1. Set up the web servers to use the wanted version of PHP, (i.e. PHP 8.1 for v2023 project and PHP 8.2 for v2024 project),
  2. Set up environment variables to use PHP 8.1 (since you cannot set target version of PHP in v2023),
  3. Set up set target version of PHP as "8.2" for the v2024 project.

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