How to add background to login page?

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Posts: 111

How to add background to login page?

Post by iggabz »

Good day,

I have tried to read topic relating to adding a background image to the login page but seems not working for me.

any ideas how can i achieve this? (v2024.12)

i tried putting this to the styles-> user but nothing happend.

.main-header {
    background-image: url(http://localhost/project1/images/wallpaper.jpg);

Posts: 9787

Post by arbei »

You may Inspect HTML element and add your own CSS styles in your browser to test first.

Posts: 152

Post by DGarza »

iggabz wrote:

.main-header {
background-image: url(http://localhost/project1/images/wallpaper.jpg);

For put an background image find the class content-wrapper and add he image I just use this code

background: url ("URLPATH");

I recommend create your own class, 1 class for light mode and another class for dark mode, and when the user change the theme, change the background too

Posts: 111

Post by iggabz »

thanks for this

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