Base table or view not found (user table is a linked table)

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Posts: 73

Base table or view not found (user table is a linked table)

Post by lissa »

I want to ask, I found an error like this when I set advanced setting - user ID - t_orders - id_orders.
I use linked tables.
when I remove id_orders from user ID there is no problem?
how to make 'SELECT id_order...' like SELECT db_data_center.t_orders.id_order...'

Error : D:\XAMPP\htdocs\project1\vendor\doctrine\dbal\src\Driver\API\MySQL\ExceptionConverter.php(49): An exception occurred while executing a query: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'db_data_center.t_orders' doesn't exist

debug result :

#0 D:\XAMPP\htdocs\project1\vendor \doctrine\dbal\src\Connection.php(1939): Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\API\MySQL\ExceptionConverter->convert(Object(Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDO\Exception), Object(Doctrine\DBAL\Query)) 
#1 D:\XAMPP\htdocs\project1\vendor\doctrine\dbal\src\Connection.php(1881): Doctrine\DBAL\Connection->handleDriverException(Object(Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDO\Exception), Object(Doctrine\DBAL\Query)) 
#2 D:\XAMPP\htdocs\project1\vendor\doctrine\dbal\src\Connection.php(1 106): Doctrine\DBAL\Connection->convertExceptionDuringQuery(Object(Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDO\Exception), 'SELECT `id_order...', Array, Array) 
#3 D:\XAMPP\htdocs\project1\vendor\doctrine\dbal\src\Connection.php(902): Doctrine\DBAL\Connection->executeQuery('SELECT `order_id...', Array, Array) 
#4 D:\XAMPP\htdocs\project1\vendor\doctrine\dbal\src\Connection.php(1152): Doctrine\DBAL\Connection->fetchAllAssociative('SELECT `order_id...', Array, Array) 
#5 D:\XAMPP\htdocs\project1\models\TOrders.php(1642): rine\DBAL\Connection->executeCacheQuery('SELECT `order_id...', Array, Array, Object(Doctrine\DBAL\Cache\QueryCacheProfile)) 
#6 D:\XAMPP\htdocs\project1\models\TOrdersItem.php(1679): PHPMaker2024\GAProject\TOrders->getUserIDSubquery(Object(PHPMaker2024\GAProject\DbField), Object(PHPMaker2024\GAProject\DbField)) 
#7 D:\XAMPP\htdocs\project1\models\TOrdersItem.php(633): PHPMaker2024\GAProject\TOrdersItem->addDetailUserIDFilter('', 't_orders') 
#8 D:\XAMPP\htdocs\project1\models\TOrdersItemGrid.php(743): PHPMaker2024\GAProject\TOrdersItem->applyUserIDFilters('') 
#9 D:\XAMPP\htdocs\project1\views\TOrdersItemGrid.php(7): PHPMaker2024\GAProject\TOrdersItemGrid->run()
#10 D:\XAMPP\htdocs\project1\views\TOrdersAdd.php(237): include_once('D:\\XAMPP\\htdocs...')
#11 D:\XAMPP\htdocs\project1\vendor\slim\php-view\src\PhpRenderer.php(219): include('D:\\XAMPP\\htdocs...')

Posts: 73

Post by lissa »

The t_orders table is a local table in the database, the user table is a linked table.

Posts: 1031

Post by sangnandar »

user table is a special table.
If you want to to linked user table from another-db you might want to give it another name since user is also a reserved name.
I suggest to create view in another-db:

CREATE VIEW anothername AS
SELECT ...blah..blah..blah... from user;

Posts: 73

Post by lissa »

I tried to make a view and the result was successful.
Thank you.

Posts: 73

Post by lissa »

sorry I want to ask again,
when user A logs in based on id_user, user A can still see user B's data. it shouldn't be that user A can't see user B's data and vice versa.
this problem appeared after I created a view data in another-db

Posts: 9787

Post by arbei »

Make sure you have selected User ID field for the new view.

Posts: 73

Post by lissa »

I did use lookup table orders->id_user to linked table view (table user->id_user), but the lookup result of id_user in listpage does not show the lookup result "approved_by", only the id_user appears 12345 should be the name of the user being looked up. Is there a solution?

Posts: 9787

Post by arbei »

Normal users does not have access to the user table (which can only accessed by administrators), you may use your view (from the users table) as lookup table instead.

Posts: 1031

Post by sangnandar »

  1. If you enable User ID security and select id_user as the field, users can only see records relating to their id_user (or id_parent, if you enable Dynamic User Levels Security)
  2. If you give Lookup permission to a userlevelid, that userlevelid can see values BUT only records relating to their id_user as per defined security in (1)

Hence, you have to create separate table (a view table) for Lookup purpose.

Posts: 73

Post by lissa »

I want to ask again,
after I created a view on the login linked tables, I found another difficulty, when I added or changed the login data (linked tables) the password field was not encrypted,
note, my username password is directed to the login view table.
is there a way to encrypt the password field...

Posts: 1031

Post by sangnandar »

public function rowInserting($rsold, &$rsnew)
    $rsnew["password"] = EncryptPassword($rsnew['password']);
    return true;

public function rowUpdating($rsold, &$rsnew)
  if ($rsnew['password'] !== $rsold['password']) 
    $rsnew['password'] = EncryptPassword($rsnew['password']);
    return true;

Posts: 73

Post by lissa »

thank you very much for your help

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