Create a button in a custom file (v2023)

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Posts: 77

Create a button in a custom file (v2023)

Post by twuc »

I've created a button in a custom file to carry out a specific action (and avoid displaying the edit page).

                    <form action="LeagueEdit/<?php echo $league_id ?>?season_id=<?php echo $season_id+1 ?>" method = "post"> 
                    <input type="submit" value="Season Roll-Forward" class='btn btn-app bg-white'>

but get an Invalid post request.
I'm not surprised from a security perspective, but where do I look to find out how to do this? phpmaker2023
Many thanks.

Posts: 9787

Post by arbei »

Posts: 77

Post by twuc »

Thank you. I've changed the code:

                    <form action="LeagueEdit" method = "post"> 
                        <input type="hidden" name="league_id" value="<?php echo $league_id ?>"><!-- comment -->
                        <input type="hidden" name="season_id" value="<?php echo $season_id+1 ?>"><!-- comment -->
                        <input type="hidden" name="<?= $TokenNameKey ?>" value="<?= $TokenName ?>"><!-- CSRF token name -->
                        <input type="hidden" name="<?= $TokenValueKey ?>" value="<?= $TokenValue ?>"><!-- CSRF token value -->
                        <button type="submit" value="Season Roll-Forward" class='btn btn-app bg-white'>
                        <i class='fas fa-wand-magic-sparkles text-orange'></i><p> Season Roll-Forward</p>

I can see the parameters are correctly set, and 'check token for form post' is set, but now get redirected to the list page (status 302).
Am I missing something?

Posts: 9787

Post by arbei »

twuc wrote:

<form action="LeagueEdit" method ="post">

You have wrong "action" attribute value, you need to pass the primary key in the URL as route value (e.g. LeagueEdit/<?= urlencode($league_id) ?>).

Posts: 77

Post by twuc »

Thank you, that now takes me to the edit form and has answered my question.

What I hoped the code would do was submit the edit form with the parameter supplied and make use of existing server events. It's not the end of the world because I can create a custom file and execute the relevant server events which is probably a neater solution.

However, I have two remaining questions:
Firstly is it possible to pre-populate the fields in the Edit form with the input values?
Secondly, is it possible to submit and save 'LeagueEdit' without displaying the form using the parameter input values?

Posts: 77

Post by twuc »

My last reply,

However, I have two remaining questions:

calling a form from a form makes no sense at all! The way forward is to create a Custom File to do the updates.

Many thanks for your help.

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