After changing language project lang file isn't created

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Posts: 579

After changing language project lang file isn't created

Post by philmills »

I have a single language project.
Initially the project was created in en-US then later I added et-EE language file.
I switched the project over to the new language.
After generating files my site had no page titles, menu text or column headings.
I inspected the lang folder and I saw that there was a file named myproject.en-US.xml , but no file named

If I update the menu, and regenerate the files, still no file is generated, and the new entries don't appear in the file myproject.en-US.xml

How can I make PHPMaker generate that file for the selected language?


Posts: 9787

Post by arbei »

Make sure you put your language file with correct name in the correct folder, read Making Language Files.

Posts: 579

Post by philmills »

It seems like the presence of defined name and desc in Line 2 of my lang file was causing it to fail. I guess because these attributes are now handled elswhere in v2024.
There is no specific mention of this change in the notes for migrating lang files to v2024
It might be a good idea to add a note about that.

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