Use smartphones and tablet browsers to CRUD backend SQL Server

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Posts: 2

Use smartphones and tablet browsers to CRUD backend SQL Server

Post by timlank »

We have a Microsoft Access Frontend form & business logic developer (backend in SQL Server) that has spent several years getting proficient in his craft.

We are looking to potentially re-develop these Frontends and business logic in ASP.NET and use smartphones and tablet browsers to CRUD this backend SQL Server data since we don't see a good solution using an Acesss heavy client for these if it indeed exists.

Can an ASP.NET application be built for this type of scenario using very limited funds (we are an all-volunteer non-profit)?

How easy would it be for this developer to transition to using ASP.NET Maker 2024?

How easy/hard is it to maintain the ASP.NET code with ASP.NET Maker 2024?

All of this would need to work in and be housed in our building (on-prem) and nothing cloud-based for the near future.

Posts: 1160

Post by MichaelG »

It should be fairly easy. Just load the required tables for the database and generate.

For custom business logic, you need to write your own Server Events and have some knowledge of C#.

Posts: 2

Post by timlank »

Said developer is 80 years old and has written most of the forms with plenty of business logic in VBA.

How difficult (what is the learning curve) for him to switch from that to C#?

Solutions with this product would run on all browsers right? (Chrome/Safari/Firefox/Edge)


Posts: 1160

Post by MichaelG »

How difficult (what is the learning curve) for him to switch from that to C#?

It should be a question for him. Ask him to download and try first to see how confident he is.

Solutions with this product would run on all browsers right?

Yes, you can run the generated application in all modern browsers.

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