Master/Detail Copy/Edit issue - How to hide in copy/edit actions?

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Posts: 3

Master/Detail Copy/Edit issue - How to hide in copy/edit actions?

Post by spotta »

Hi there

Could you advise on the following?

I have a field that I want to hide in copy/edit actions. It's called originalrecord.

The originalrecord field is un-ticked in Fields setup for Edit and Add pages.
If I copy or edit the records individually, i.e. not in Master/Detail, the originalrecord field is not showing as expected.
But when I click on Master/Detail Copy or Master/Detail Edit, the field is available


Posts: 9862

Post by arbei »

spotta wrote:

The originalrecord field is un-ticked in Fields setup for Edit and Add pages.

I guess your "originalrecord" field is in the detail table. Note that the setting for Add/Edit is applicale to for Add/Edit page only, not for Master/Detail Copy/Edit which is Grid page (of the detail table). In that case you may use server event such as ListOptions_Rendering for the Detail Grid page and set the Visible property of the field.

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