Startup Script - Edit page vs Grid-Edit

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Posts: 529

Startup Script - Edit page vs Grid-Edit

Post by christ2000 »

hello guys i need your help i have the following code on my add page startup script are and work fine, the problem is i need the same code on GRIDADD page but it is not working, i know i need to change the selectors but i try and do not work, my question is id the ADD page starupscript the same area to put the code for gridadd?

$(document).ready(function() {
    // Function to add copy and paste icons to each select2 dropdown
    function addCopyPasteIcons(selectElement) {
        var container ='.select2-container');

        if (container.length) {
            // Create a wrapper div to contain the select2 container and the icons
            var wrapper = $('<div style="display: flex; align-items: center;"></div>');

            // Move the existing select2 container into the wrapper

            // Create the copy icon element
            var copyIcon = $('<i class="fas fa-copy" style="cursor: pointer; margin-left: 5px;"></i>');
            // Create the paste icon element
            var pasteIcon = $('<i class="fas fa-paste" style="cursor: pointer; margin-left: 5px;"></i>');

            // Append the icons to the wrapper

            // Variable to store the copied value
            var copiedValue = null;

            // Add a click event to the copy icon to copy the selected value from the dropdown
            copyIcon.on('click', function() {
                // Get the full text of the selected option
                var selectedOptionText = selectElement.find('option:selected').text().trim();
                copiedValue = selectedOptionText;
                if (navigator.clipboard) {
                    navigator.clipboard.writeText(copiedValue).then(function() {
                        console.log('Copied value to clipboard:', copiedValue); // Debugging
                    }).catch(function(err) {
                        console.error('Failed to copy value to clipboard', err);
                } else {
                    console.warn('Clipboard API not supported');

            // Function to paste the clipboard value into the dropdown
            function pasteClipboardValue() {
                if (navigator.clipboard) {
                    navigator.clipboard.readText().then(function(text) {
                        var clipboardText = text.trim();
                        console.log('Clipboard text:', clipboardText); // Debugging

                        // Log all option texts for debugging
                        selectElement.find('option').each(function() {
                            var optionText = $(this).text().trim();
                            console.log('Option text:', optionText, ' | Matching:', optionText === clipboardText);

                        // Find the option that matches the clipboard text
                        var optionToSelect = selectElement.find('option').filter(function() {
                            var optionText = $(this).text().trim();
                            return optionText === clipboardText;

                        if (optionToSelect.length) {
                            var valueToSelect = optionToSelect.val();
                            console.log('Value to select:', valueToSelect); // Debugging
                            selectElement.select2('destroy').select2(); // Update select2 display
                            console.log('Pasted value from clipboard:', clipboardText); // Debugging
                        } else {
                            console.error('No matching option found for clipboard value:', clipboardText);
                    }).catch(function(err) {
                        console.error('Failed to read clipboard contents', err);
                } else {
                    console.warn('Clipboard API not supported');

            // Add a click event to the paste icon to paste the clipboard value into the dropdown
            pasteIcon.on('click', pasteClipboardValue);

    // Apply the function to each select element in the grid edit
    $('select[name="x_supervisor"]').each(function() {

    // MutationObserver to handle dynamically added rows and option changes
    var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
        mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
            // If a new select element is added
            mutation.addedNodes.forEach(function(node) {
                if (node.nodeType === 1) {
                    var newSelectElement = $(node).find('select[name="x_supervisor"]');
                    if (newSelectElement.length) {

            // If options in a select element are added/changed
            if (mutation.type === 'childList' && === 'SELECT') {
                var selectElement = $(;
                if (selectElement.attr('name') === 'x_supervisor') {

    // Observe the body for changes
    observer.observe(document.body, {
        childList: true,
        subtree: true

    // Also observe changes to options within select elements
    $('select[name="x_supervisor"]').each(function() {
        var selectElement = $(this)[0];
        observer.observe(selectElement, {
            childList: true,
            subtree: true

Posts: 529

Post by christ2000 »

ok more simple i have this code under add/copy page client script:

$(document).ready(function() {
var inputField = $('input[name="x_meeting_duration"]');
if (inputField.length) {
// Create the icon element
var icon = $('<i class="fas fa-dollar-sign" style="margin-left: 5px;"></i>');
// Append the icon to the input field

this work on on single add page but not gridadd, on gridadd the selector change to x1_meeting_duration x2_meeting_duration x3_meeting_duration but not matter i put the dollar icon appear,

Posts: 9772

Post by arbei »

You may inspect HTML elements to find out the correct selector.

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