hashed password true user cannot log in

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Posts: 71

hashed password true user cannot log in

Post by lissa »

on the login page, I created a new user with the hashed password condition being false, and the user logged in successfully.

The second try I tried changing the hashed password to true and I changed the user's login password in administrator, and the password was correctly encrypted, but the user couldn't log in.
database using MariaDB "utf8mb4_general_ci"
Can you help me

Posts: 9772

Post by arbei »

lissa wrote:

The second try I tried changing the hashed password to true...

After change make sure you have generated all scripts and uploaded again. The user should also logout first and then login again.

Posts: 71

Post by lissa »

Yes, I have done what you suggested, regenerating all scripts and logging out all users. but still can't log in, I checked the password in the database which has been encrypted

Posts: 9772

Post by arbei »

Double check if you have enabled the following settings:

Make sure the above settings are set as what you need, then generate all scripts again, reset the password and try again.

Posts: 71

Post by lissa »

Solved, advanced settings - use password hash value I changed to false
Thank You

Posts: 9772

Post by arbei »

You better set the advanced setting to true and reset the password and try again. md5 is out-dated and should not be used anymore.

Posts: 71

Post by lissa »

I tried what you suggested.
and activate advanced settings - use password hash value is true. I changed my password and logged out but can't log in again?
The hashed password setting in the user login options value is true.
Is there anything I missed?

Posts: 9772

Post by arbei »

  1. You need to reset the password after enabling the advanced setting or the old passwords are still hashed by md5.
  2. Make sure you use "utf-8" as your project charset since your database uses utf8bm4.
  3. Make sure the table and field are also using the same utf8bm4 charset and collation (do not use utf8mb4_bin).
  4. Make sure you have generated the src/config.php and uploaded again to your server.
  5. You may upload a script (see password_hash() and password_verify()) to test if password hashing is working correctly on your server.

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